The Transitions Routemap
Enhancement of Informal Public Transport services represents an enormous opportunity to provide low-carbon, affordable and safe mobility in the rapidly urbanising cities of Sub-Saharan Africa. The TRANSITIONS Routemap sets out a proposed sequence of steps for how this potential could be realised, with an emphasis on getting the basics right.
The central arrow of the Routemap Key Diagram shows the main steps (Route Markers) of an approach to collaborative working between public authorities and the IPT industry.
Use the menu options above or click on the diagram to explore the Routemap and supporting information on:
Context and Evidence – Addressing the current status of IPT in relation to key objectives, such as provision of affordable mobility and improved air quality
IPT Organisation – Background information on organisational and regulatory aspects, covering both public authorities and the IPT industry
Actions – Setting out network management, infrastructure, fleet and business development actions that could be pursued.
You can also download a document version of the TRANSITIONS Routemap and City Comparative Analysis from the Repository
Route Markers for Decision Makers
Operational Efficiency
Low Carbon
Safe and efficient driving, incl
Gender safety
Disabled access
Safety &
Fleet maintenance
Fleet renewal
Alternative fuels
Who is the Routemap for?
The Routemap provides a resource for urban mobility planners and representatives of the Informal Public Transport (IPT) industry across Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the international community of donor agencies, financial institutes and Non-Governmental Organisations that support their work.
What does the Routemap provide?
Drawing on research undertaken by the High Volume Transport (HVT) TRANSITIONS project, the Routemap comprises:
A proposed ‘route’ towards improved IPT services, comprising a sequence of stages that could provide the basis for a smaller pilot project or larger, cost-effective programme for affordable, collective and low carbon mobility.
A series of self-appraisal questions, that will assist practitioners in understanding the current situation in their city and degree of preparedness to move forward through the steps of the Routemap.
Background knowledge and a learning environment on key themes and actions that can be taken in relation to IPT, combined with comparative analysis of the situation in the TRANSITIONS case cities: Accra, Cape Town, Freetown, Kumasi and Maputo.
The TRANSITIONS project set itself the dual challenge of seeking to understand the IPT sector better; and presenting a Routemap for how public authorities in SSA, IPT unions and associations, and the international community can work together towards improvements. Routemap development has been informed by research in the TRANSITIONS case cities, involving passenger opinion surveys and fleet fuel consumption surveys, as well as stakeholder interviews and workshops with representatives of public authorities and the IPT industry.

Visit the Repository
Further resources produced by the TRANSITIONS project, including the ‘Informal Public Transport Compendium Report’ and academic papers, can be found in the Repository.
Project Materials