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Route Marker 6 - Passenger information & services: What are the priority improvements that can be made for passengers?


It is often necessary for the residents of large and rapidly expanding African metropoles to make long, multi-stage journeys to reach their destinations. Results from the TRANSITIONS passenger opinion surveys showed that improvements to basic infrastructure, in particular at the terminals, as well as more comfortable vehicles, are high on passengers’ priority lists. These aspects of improving the journey experience are addressed at Route Markers 3 and 5.


Further important opportunities relate to two main aspects of passenger care: firstly, the provision of information for journey planning, which can involve application of digital mapping of the route network and delivery of journey planning websites and apps. This may evolve to include provision of efficient on-demand ride-pooling services for passengers, helping to connect and provide transport services for passengers located away from main routes or that need to travel in off-peak periods.

And secondly, in relation to providing a welcoming and safe environment for all passengers, including meeting the needs of the mobility impaired (disabled), and proactively addressing issues of sexual harassment.


Sexual harassment is a proven problem in relation to all forms of collective transport (this is not limited to IPT and SSA) and can have a major impact on the travel decisions of women, and therefore life decisions (such as where they undertake training or employment options).

Self Assessment Questionnaire

See where you stand.

Which of the following processes are in place to inform transport planning and to deliver information and convenient services passengers? (Select all that apply)


  • IPT route network mapping, involving onboard surveys and vehicle tracking

  • Preparation and publication of IPT network maps in ‘static’ form (as paper versions and/or online)

  • Development of web-based, dynamic journey planners (by public authority or in collaboration with private sector) enabling passengers to plan end-to-end travel with formal PT and IPT

  • Provision of digital payment systems for IPT services

  • Provision of on-demand ride-pooling services, in particular for routes or times where passenger numbers are lower

  • Integration of fares and payment systems for formal Public Transport and IPT

  • Development of customer care and complaints services, with staff contact points at popular terminals an stops, or online through a website or app (such as crowd-sourced safety apps).

Which of the following activities are undertaken in order to ensure inclusive and safe services, where people are treated with respect and dignity? (Select all that apply)


  • Provision is made for those that need to travel with goods, such as traders

  • Training is provided to drivers and crew on the problem and impacts of sexual harassment, and actions that can be taken to minimise problems

  • Training is provided to drivers and crew on the needs of the mobility impaired and how these can be accommodated in daily operations

  • Vehicles are adapted or procured in order to improve accessibility for mobility-impaired people

We have suggested that these Steps could form the basis of a pilot project within a city. In the context of large metropolitan areas with diverse informal transport operators, it would be necessary to shape a collaboration amongst relevant stakeholders for a suitable scale and geographic area, such as a selected mobility corridor. This needs to be undertaken taking into account the areas of overlap and competition amongst IPT unions/associations and the degree to which ‘illegal’ (non-licensed) operations occur.


Further information on digital network mapping approaches and journey planning apps can be found at:



Gender dimensions in transport and issues of sexual harassment are further explained in:

You can also download the questionnaire template below and work on the answers with your colleagues!

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