Proposing a route to low carbon, affordable and safe mobility
The central spine of the Routemap is based upon a sequence of steps that are, in essence, about getting the basics right. These steps, referred to as Route Markers, could form the basis of smaller scale pilot projects, involving public authorities working with the IPT industry to understand what actions will support the sector to operate to its best potential.
Equally, in situations where IPT involvement in major public transport schemes such as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is already envisaged, then selected steps can be viewed as both: instrumental to the eventual success of the main project; and preconditions for the professionalisation of the existing IPT industry. Moving from the current context and operational model of IPT to the types of contracts typical of formalised public transport can involve a huge leap
Alongside the Route Marker explanations, you will find a total of 10 City Self-Appraisal questions, which will help you to consider the existing situation in your city and actions to be taken. You can review these questions online or download the self-appraisal questionnaire as a pdf (the complete questionnaire is available below and questions relevant for each Route Marker can be downloaded separately from the Route Marker pages).
The Route Markers are arranged in a logical sequence, with emphasis first on actions where a public authority could take the lead, followed by those where the IPT industry also take on greater responsibilities. In reality, the sequence followed will depend on local circumstances, such as the existing condition of infrastructure and level of professionalisation of the IPT industry.
What objectives and plans have been agreed by the IPT industry and public authorities?
Do we have core aspects of IPT regulation and enforcement in place?
What basic infrastructure improvements would deliver the greatest benefits for IPT?
How can the business case and professionalisation of the IPT industry be supported?
What can we do to achieve our objectives in the short-term, with existing vehicles?
What are the priority improvements that can be made for passengers?
What are the next stages working with IPT?